Friday, June 27, 2008

I know, you're all jealous. But hey, it's paid for and so is the property it's sitting on, so hey, that's saying alot these economic days right? About 4 years ago my family went in on 3 acres in Aspen Hills Subdivision. My parents have put alot of work and $ into this place, and it is sweet! We have 6 pads for trailers, an outhouse (a must), a mini track for the kids to ride bikes and 4-wheelers, a horse-shoe pit, tire swings, and of course a wonderful Shelbyed(Dad) cement pad complete with fire-pit that is an awesome place to roast hotdogs, s'mores and watch the beautiful sunset. We love it! And soon to come (we hope), a zip-line down the hill behind this old-as-me-trailer that we use in the winter to sled down. Now if we could only figure out a ski-lift.

What a serious face for a serious rider! Drexton, like the rest of my kids, has developed the sixth sense of hearing an engine from a mile away that is due to a 4-leeler or motorbike. "Keys, keys. Mama, papa needs the keys." It is now a rule, no one can ever leave their keys in the ignition, or he is gone! Yes, he definitely knows where the throttle is.

Taggert loves his second home in the mountains. He looked for bugs all day long. He named them and fed them and wanted to bring them all home. We had to try to convince him they would be here the next time we come.

Logan says, "I'm kind of scared when I look at my bike just sitting there, but once I get on I'm fine and I love it!" Logan I know exactly how you feel, especially after laying mine down this weekend. But you're getting so good at it, you gotta just get back on and ride!

Monday, June 23, 2008

So I told you it would probably slow down after June 1, and it sort of did. I just haven't blogged for a while because we've been enjoying the sunshine finally. Addie had swimming lessons last week and did great. I'm so proud of her, she wasn't scared at all. She jumped off the diving board several times. I can tell her confidence level boosted. Now it's waaaay hot and I'm glad we have a nice pool facility down the street. The kids love it!